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General Precautions...

Prevention is better than Cure
- Always wash hands before eating.
- In areas with poor sanitation facilities & poor hygiene, drink & eat only canned condensed, or irradiated dairy products.
- Canned or bottled carbonated drinks, beer, wine & beverages made with boiled water are the only safe drinks.
- Avoid leafy, unwashed & uncooked vegetables & salads.
- Avoid cold, dried meat, fish & other uncooked sea food.
- Avoid drinking or eating unpasteurized dairy products (like cheese, yogurt, etc.) If possible, stick to canned milk.
- Avoid eating from street-vendors with poor hygiene.
- Bread is safest when served fresh from oven.
- Avoid moist grain, rice for instance kept at room temperature for prolonged periods.
- Do not swim or fish in polluted waters.
- Non-disposable glasses & cups may be unsafe. Use sanitary straws for drinks.
- Ice may not be safe as bacteria or parasites are not killed by freezing.
- Use boiled or filtered water. If boiling is not possible use iodine additives or tetracycline hydroperiodide tablet to treat water.
- Commercial water bottles may have been filled with tap water & recapped, carbonated water is the safest option.
- Carry appropriate health & accident insurance documents & any other important medical records.
- Incase of emergencies take medical assistance immediately.

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