Pinkcity Fireworks


Fireworks are as ancient as the Stone Age but today, there are countless varieties of flashing fireworks and Pinkcity fireworks offer you new, innovative & creative array of fireworks to celebrate your occasion with a difference.
Fireworks are a fantastic & innovative use of fire to dispel the darkness and bring joy & sensory pleasure to all. The spell bounding display of fireworks is hard to resist & ideal to make any occasion a memorable one! With bursting of rockets & crackers, thousands of burning embers illumunate the sky, presenting a spectacular sight with a subtle blend of light & sound.

We specialize in :-
- Hawai Chameli - Hawai Nau-short
- Hawai Musical - Hawai Rangoli
- Hawai Mathli - Anaar Special
- Anar Disco - Jhaad Suraj Kiran
- Jhaad Nau Chanda - Pariyon ka Aakhada
- Gangaur - And many more varities.

Samundra Jharna

Hawai Nine Shot

We have participated in many occasions like Asiad, Jaipur Samaroh, Patrika and many others and received not only  appreciation & applause but also many awards & prize like Asiad Award, Patrika Award, Jaipur Samaroh Award, Nawal-Gargh Award, Mayoor Shooting and Rohitgarh and many othres.