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What is Yoga ?

Yoga is an ancient system of Indian mysticism that aims to generate mental control. The ancient sages of Vedic Indian believed that the only thing man has control over is the mind. Through the mind the universe and the self are perceived. Thus, through mental control, all diseases can be cured and immortality gained.

How does Yoga cure ?

Yoga offers tools to control the mind - meditation, discipline, breath control, exercises. 

Karma Yoga 
Aims at mental control through selfless action. The aim is to break free from the desire for rewards and perform action only because duty demands it. This path is action oriented and demands a great deal of self control. 

Jnana Yoga 
In Jnana Yoga, mental control is attained through discernment. Based on discrimination (viveka) and detachment (vairagya), logic is used to lift the veils of delusion born of ignorance. This is a highly intellectual path.
Bhakti Yoga 
Mental control is through devotion. Surrendering to the grace of the almighty. Accepting all events as the will of god. This is highly emotional path.
Raja Yoga 
Raja yoga or the classical yoga is a systematic technique aimed at yoking the mind and getting it under full control so that is unaffected by the vagaries fo the external world. The eight steps followed in raja yoga are 
1. Yama (Abstensions): truth , nonviolence , control of
   sexual energy , non stealing and non covetousness 
2. Niyama (Observances): purity, contentment, austerity,
   study and faith 
3. Asanas (Exercises) 
4. Prayanama (Breath control) 
5. Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses) 
6. Dharana (concentration, focus)
7. Dhayna (meditation, detached witness of mental activity)
8. Samadhi (Super conscious state)

Diseases can be cured 

Following diseases can be treated :
- Ulcer, constipation, gaseous-problems, indigestion,
   intestinal-weakness, etc.
- Cough & cold, fever, asthma, bronchitis, tonsils,
   leringites, etc.
- Diabeties, blood pressure, cardiac disorders, obsity,
   weakness, etc.
- Alergy, skin diseases, itching, etc.
- Joint pains, arthritics, back-pain, cervical, sodalities,
   polio, neuralgia.
- Mensural irregularities, impotency, stress etc.
- Mental-disorders, tension, sleeplessness, hysteria, etc.

Natural treatment is gaining popularity in the masses because of some of the unavoidable disadvantages & drawbacks of medicines, not only in India but also at international level. The main aim is to provide medical facilities to common people & treat them without any side effects to improve their health standards.


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