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What is Ayurveda ?

Ayurveda is the Vedic system of health care that developed in India over 5000 years ago. 

A gift of the Gods, it was codified by the sage-physician Charaka and the sage-surgeon Shushruta. This ancient science takes into account the patient’s entire personality - body, mind and spirit. AYURVEDA is an integral part of the Indian traditions -VEDA. 

AYURVEDA is the compilation of knowledge from VEDA (Indian systems of Philosophy) about Indian religions, Hindu Astrology and the Indian system of meditation, YOGA.

Purpose of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is not only a science of Indian medicine but also a science of improving and enriching the quality of life. Hence, the aims and objectives of Ayurveda are really ‘broad spectrum’. 

The maintenance of health and longevity of ‘SWASTHA’ i.e. healthy individuals by Healthy Diet (Aahara) Healthy Physical activities (Vihara) and Rejuvenative therapy for maintenance of health and longevity (Aushadhi) The complete cure of any disease in unhealthy individuals by Dietary instructions to treat the disease (Aahara) Physical activities to treat the disease (Vihara) Ayurvedic therapy to treat the disease (Aushadhi) Ayurveda aims at both maintaining the physical, mental and spiritual health of a particular person and also showing the methods of prevention and treatment of any disease when it occurs.

According to Ayurveda a ‘healthy’ individual is one with well-balanced state of Dosha (Life forces) Dhatu (Vital Body Organs) Mala (Excretions from body) Agni (Digestive capacity) Kriya (Physical activities) As well as sound state of Aatma (soul) Mana (mind) Indriya (sensory and motor centers) Who is an ‘unhealthy’ individual? 

The ‘unhealthy’ individual is one with an imbalanced state of Dosha (Life forces) Dhatu (Vital Body Organs) Mala (Excretions from body) Agni (Digestive capacity) Kriya (Physical activities) As well as impairement of Aatma (soul) Mana (mind) Indriya (sensory and motor centers) According to the basic principles of Ayurveda, health of an individual depends mainly on the balanced state of three life forces or ‘TRIDOSHA’ which are: VATA (MOTIVATING ENERGY) PITTA (TRANSFORMING ENERGY) KAPHA (STABILISING ENERGY)

Due to inappropriate dietary habits (Aahara) and physical exercises (Vihara) the delicate balance between the Tridosha, is disturbed which in turn results into disease.

How does it cure ?

Therefore, Ayurveda emphasizes mainly on proper dietary habits (Aahara) and physical exercises (Vihara) to avoid ‘formation of disease’. 

If an individual suffers from any disease Ayurveda describes remedies to bring Tridosha in a balanced state thereby treating the seeds (root causes) of the disease.

AYURVEDA is not merely a science of medicine but it is really the healthy life style for positive health by appropriate AAHARA ( Diet ) & VIHARA (Activities).

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