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      Medical News...

A team of computer software engineers at the University of Pittsburgh, led by Vladhimir Shusterman, has developed and patented a computerised system that can predict a cardiac arrhythmia or sudden death upto eight hours prior to the onset of symptoms. The system is based on teh team’s research into the general biological mechanisms underlying cardiac arrhythemias and sudden death.

When incorporated into a heart monitor or internal defibrillator, the system can provide ample warning to patients at risk for sudden death that an arrhythmia is imminent and allow time for them to take appropriate action.

An internal defibrillator is bettery-powered electronic device implanted near the collabone of people who are at risk for sudden death. It monitors the heart rhythm continously and restores normal rhythm by delivering an electrical shock when it detects an arrhythmia.
Researchers found that prediction of atrial and ventricular tachyarrhythmias was accurate 80-90 percent of the time.


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