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 Jewellery Care...

Tips for Jewellery Care :

Try to protect any jewelry from scratches, sharp blows, harsh chemicals, extreme temperatures and sunlight. 


Store jewelry separately so it doesn't scratch other jewelry. 


When doing household tasks such as gardening and cleaning, be certain to remove rings.


Put your jewelry on after washing and applying any makeup/hair spray. 


Never wear jewelry while swimming in a swimming pool. The chlorine can cause damage to various gemstones and gold. Gemstones may become loose in their settings (and possibly fall out). 


Avoid storing your jewelry next to a heating vent, window sill or on a car dashboard. 
Store jewelry away from sunlight as the sun may fade the gemstones. 

- Always store bead necklaces (such as lapis, pearls, etc) flat as silk stretches over time. 


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