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The Wedding Ceremony 

The wedding ceremony is one of the oldest traditions of Indian culture. The elements of the ceremony were set more than forty centuries ago in the ancient Hindu scriptures known as the "Vedas". The marriage (Lagna), witnessed by all guests, is not only the union of a man & woman, but also of their families.

Barat & Toran

The groom arrives on a decorated horse accompanied by his family & friends. The bride's parents welcome the groom, his parents & relatives.

Lord Ganesh Sthapan (Inviting Lord Ganesh)

At every auspicious occasion, such as a wedding, the Hindus perform rituals inviting Lord Ganesh (God of Good fortune) to the occasion. To begin the wedding ceremony, the Panditji (Priest) invites Lord Ganesh to bless the couple, purify them from all evil and obstacles and bring them life long happiness. In theory, the bride has the right not to come to the Mandap when called, if she does not wish to marry.


The bride's parents and relatives greet and welcome the groom's parent's relatives.


The bride's mother welcomes the groom into her family and wishes him the best.

Jai Mala

The bride's mother welcomes the groom according to the rituals. The bride & groom exchange garlands of fresh flowers acknowledge their life long bondage. The bride & groom are then escorted to the mandap (alter) by their parents.


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